It has hasn't it!
I have not published anything since 2013. It isn't because I have lost interest. Far from it. I just got a little lazy, and to tell you the truth. I'd forgotten I had a blog running.
So- What have I been doing.
Since 2013. I now have a pier in my garden. with the Losmandy G11, permanently attached. This is of cause covered over, with a Cygnus telescope cover. I then kitted out my shed with electricity and computer hardware and two monitors. This is my observatory-command center. That is "The Whirlpool Observatory" where the mount and cameras are controlled from.
I also have new kit.
I bought a S/H Williams Optics Megrez EDT 80, and fitted that with a nice FT focuser from Starlight. And I also bought an Atik 428EX CCD camera. Then came a PST and two CMOS cameras from the QHY stable.
QHY5L and a QHY5L-II. These cameras work as guiders but the QHY5L I also use for imaging the Moon-Planets and our Star with the PST.
I also have a IOptron Mini Tower 2 (Pro) and Sky Watcher Star Adventurer.
2016. I bought a OMC 140 and later that year. I bought an ex-demonstration Altair Astro 115 EDT F7 Apo. This is my dream telescope.
The EQSP at Kelling in late September. Is a major event for me, and my only holiday. Last year, Ian at AA had some telescopes for sale. The 115 EDT Was one of them. I asked him for a price, and nearly fell over, when he told me. Was I dreaming, or was my hearing playing tricks on me.
£800 quid for a £1500 quid telescope, wow.
I did the deal there and then, on a sunny Saturday morning. The price was the bargain of a lifetime, well, for me anyway.
AA, are in my opinion, one of this country's, leading experts in Refractor construction. Everything is home built, and the attention to detail is first class.
First light, was on Sunday evening. I was gobsmacked to see how sharp star's were, when looking through a 2" star diagonal. They were pinpoints, with zero false colour.
But with a Strehl of .96 you'd expect that.
I had a very good night viewing plenty of fuzzy's, that I didn't believe I could see through a 4.5" glass.
The telescope is used for visual, observing but also Deep Sky CCD imaging.
One thing that I have not done. Is point it at the Moon. I must get around to doing that.
Of cause with all this equipment. It would be very nice to have some starry skies to use them under. Sadly this is not the case. This has to be the worst Winter, for it's lack of clear skies. That I can remember in a very long time.
I read a short article, by a Daily Express columnist back in November 16, who said. "Get ready for Polar Vortex" He said how meteorologists, were predicting the worst Winter for years, with heavy snow, and ice.
It didn't happen. It just stayed mild, and wet. It is now Sunday February 19th and the weather outside is very spring like with a temperature of, 10C. But still overcast.
Yes we have had some clear skies at night. But nothing like the number I can remember as a lad, in the 70's.
I am now the Observing Coordinator for Macclesfield AS. This is a post that I have held for a long time. But at the AGM in 2014. I stood down. Since that time the society couldn't find anyone to replace me, so. In 2016 at the AGM. I was voted in. But this time. It is not a committee position. Which I am thankful for.
I try, to arrange observing night's once a month, around new Moon, but since January. The cloud gods have once again thwarted, any attempt to look skywards.
I am still keen to image Deep Sky objects. But recently my fascination with our Moon, has re-surfaced. The OMC 140 is particularly suited to this. But I also hope to get the C9.25 on the Moon, for some high res imaging.
Well I guess that's all I have for now. I hope you enjoy reading, and I will endevour to keep this blog updated.
Clear Skies.
I have not published anything since 2013. It isn't because I have lost interest. Far from it. I just got a little lazy, and to tell you the truth. I'd forgotten I had a blog running.
So- What have I been doing.
Since 2013. I now have a pier in my garden. with the Losmandy G11, permanently attached. This is of cause covered over, with a Cygnus telescope cover. I then kitted out my shed with electricity and computer hardware and two monitors. This is my observatory-command center. That is "The Whirlpool Observatory" where the mount and cameras are controlled from.
I also have new kit.
I bought a S/H Williams Optics Megrez EDT 80, and fitted that with a nice FT focuser from Starlight. And I also bought an Atik 428EX CCD camera. Then came a PST and two CMOS cameras from the QHY stable.
QHY5L and a QHY5L-II. These cameras work as guiders but the QHY5L I also use for imaging the Moon-Planets and our Star with the PST.
I also have a IOptron Mini Tower 2 (Pro) and Sky Watcher Star Adventurer.
2016. I bought a OMC 140 and later that year. I bought an ex-demonstration Altair Astro 115 EDT F7 Apo. This is my dream telescope.
The EQSP at Kelling in late September. Is a major event for me, and my only holiday. Last year, Ian at AA had some telescopes for sale. The 115 EDT Was one of them. I asked him for a price, and nearly fell over, when he told me. Was I dreaming, or was my hearing playing tricks on me.
£800 quid for a £1500 quid telescope, wow.
I did the deal there and then, on a sunny Saturday morning. The price was the bargain of a lifetime, well, for me anyway.
AA, are in my opinion, one of this country's, leading experts in Refractor construction. Everything is home built, and the attention to detail is first class.
First light, was on Sunday evening. I was gobsmacked to see how sharp star's were, when looking through a 2" star diagonal. They were pinpoints, with zero false colour.
But with a Strehl of .96 you'd expect that.
I had a very good night viewing plenty of fuzzy's, that I didn't believe I could see through a 4.5" glass.
The telescope is used for visual, observing but also Deep Sky CCD imaging.
One thing that I have not done. Is point it at the Moon. I must get around to doing that.
Of cause with all this equipment. It would be very nice to have some starry skies to use them under. Sadly this is not the case. This has to be the worst Winter, for it's lack of clear skies. That I can remember in a very long time.
I read a short article, by a Daily Express columnist back in November 16, who said. "Get ready for Polar Vortex" He said how meteorologists, were predicting the worst Winter for years, with heavy snow, and ice.
It didn't happen. It just stayed mild, and wet. It is now Sunday February 19th and the weather outside is very spring like with a temperature of, 10C. But still overcast.
Yes we have had some clear skies at night. But nothing like the number I can remember as a lad, in the 70's.
I am now the Observing Coordinator for Macclesfield AS. This is a post that I have held for a long time. But at the AGM in 2014. I stood down. Since that time the society couldn't find anyone to replace me, so. In 2016 at the AGM. I was voted in. But this time. It is not a committee position. Which I am thankful for.
I try, to arrange observing night's once a month, around new Moon, but since January. The cloud gods have once again thwarted, any attempt to look skywards.
I am still keen to image Deep Sky objects. But recently my fascination with our Moon, has re-surfaced. The OMC 140 is particularly suited to this. But I also hope to get the C9.25 on the Moon, for some high res imaging.
Well I guess that's all I have for now. I hope you enjoy reading, and I will endevour to keep this blog updated.
Clear Skies.
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